Wednesday, January 5, 2011



KERAJAAN Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah disifatkan sebagai menolak tuah dan terus menyebabkan bahagian utara Sabah yang berpotensi menarik pelancong sebagai kawasan yang terus mundur untuk melestarikan agenda mereka menjadikan rakyat Sabah miskin dan terus bergantung kepada ehsan BN.

“Kudat sepatutnya boleh maju dengan cepat jika Patung Dewi Laut Mazu dibenarkan didirikan di atas tapak yang telah disiapkan tanpa sebarang campurtangan politik,” ujar Johani Abdul Halim yang menyifatkan campurtangan kerajaan negeri Sabah mencabul kebebasan beragama yang dijamin dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan menghina agama Islam yang syumul.
Menurut Johani, beliau baru kembali daripada Kudat dan sedih dengan kekejaman Kerajaan BN Sabah yang munafik kerana menghalang pembinaan patung Dewi Laut Mazu yang mempunyai pelbagai fungsi; terutama untuk menarik pelancong ke Kudat.

Cadangan Kerajaan Negeri untuk membina Patung Mazu kedua di Pantai Bak Bak sebagai cadangan orang yang tidak masuk akal kerana pelancong tidak akan singgah ke Kudat sebagaimana sebelum ini selepas mereke melawat Simpang Mengayau.
“Cadangan Mantan Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat untuk membina patung Mazu sewajarnya disambut oleh seluruh warga Sabah untuk membuktikan bahawa tidak berlaku penindasan agama dan rakyat Sabah hidup secara harmoni tanpa mengambil kira asal keturunan dan fahaman agama; sekaligus melenyapkan tafsiran barat bahawa Islam adalah teroris,” ujar Johani yang juga Ketua Cabang PKR Silam.
Tegas Johani, jika 20 % daripada 200 juta penganut Mazu dunia menziarahi Kudat maka Kudat akan lebih maju daripada Langkawi dan Kota Kinabalu.
“Sekurang-kurangnya Kudat akan dibanjiri pelancong secara tetap dua kali setahun iaitu pada 23 Mac dan 9 September kerana dua hari besar ini merupakan hari kebesaran untuk penganut Mazu. Dengan ini Kudat akan membangun secara mendadak dan ekonomi Kudat yang lembap akan pulih serta merta,” ujar Johani yang menggesa agar Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman tidak terlalu keras kepala dan menunjukkan sifat munafiknya melakukan kekejaman terhadap penganut agama lain.
Kini tibalah masanya kata Johani, warga Tiong Hua mentaati ajaran nenek moyang mereka dengan memilih Pakatan Rakyat sebagai Kerajaan Negeri dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang untuk menghentikan kezaliman daripada berlarutan.
“Untuk apa kita cakap banyak kerana BN tidak lagi memenuhi aspirasi masyarakat Tiong Hua sehingga terpaksa meminta izin untuk mendirikan rumah ibadah sekalipun di atas tanah persendirian, berbanding BN membina pusat maksiat secara wewenang,” tegas Johani yang merancang untuk menawan Kudat daripada BN pada pilihanraya umum akan datang.



We are on top of the base of Mazu statue. From my left is Jimmy Wong (Tawau), me, Lim Kit Siang, Pastor Jeffery Kumin and Dr Hiew Keng Chiu (KK).

Hello friends,

Lim Kit Siang and I have been travelling in Sabah for 4 days. We took the opportunity of attending the Christmas Celebration organised by Sabah state government and Ministry of Arts and Heritage in KK on 29th December 2007, and attending some activities organised by the DAP Sabah.

On 29th December, after attending the Christmas function in KK, we then drove for 3 hours to Kudat together with Dr Hiew Keng Chiu, Pastor Jeffery Kumin from KK. When we arrived at Kudat, it was about 9pm, then only we have dinner. We stayed at the resort next to Mazu statue that night.

The lady boss of that restaurant told us that they have been hoping that Mazu statue to be built, when the base of the statue was under construction, there were so many tour buses coming to Kudat and have made the area prosper. Kudat is one of the poorest areas in Sabah, there is no industries and plantation in the area, many people are jobless and poor. So, it was right for Chong Kah Keat to come out with the idea of building the tallest Mazu statue in that area in order to attract tourists.

Mazu Statue Is Not Located In City Center & Does Not Cause Traffic Jam

Before I went to Kudat, I was told that the Mazu statue location was at the center of the town and will cause traffic jam, that’s why the state government opposed to it. When I went to the statue site, I realised that this accusation doesn’t hold water at all, as the statue is located near to the sea, it is not at city center. Besides, it is also so far away from the mosque, I think about 1km away. There is no reason for the mosque to oppose to it at all. I was told that the Muslim people there generally have no objection to the Mazu statue at all, in fact they welcome it cos it could attract tourists to come to their town.

I woke up at 6am the other morning, and went to the Mazu site at 6.30am. This is because my the other colleague Jimmy Wong from Tawau has to take the flight of 10.15am to fly from KK to Tawau. He has to rush to KK after taking photo and have press conference.

After the press conference, we then went to city center to see that mosque. We saw that there is an old temple built by Hokkien Association, Hou Teck Temple opposite the mosque, it is about 50 meter away only. The question is, if the mosque has opposed to the Mazu statue, then how come the mosque can be built opposite the Hock Teck Temple last time? (The Buddhist temple was built much earlier than the mosque).

I know Chong Kah Keat is not a political figure that like by all in Sabah. However, if we just look at the issue, we will find that the sabah state government, especially the chief minister of Sabah Musa Aman has been very unreasonable and unprofessional in handling this case. How can he gave approval to the construction of this Mazu statue and the gave the stop work order after that? It is clear that he did this with the intention to sabotage Chong Kah Keat and to take his personal vengeance against Chong Kah Keat due to their personal differences in the Sipadan Island issue previously.

UMNO Splitted Sabah Community

It is sad that religious undermining has slowly creeped into Sabah now. Sabah used to be a state that has highest degree of religious and racial harmony in the country. All these are because of UMNO, UMNO has splitted the peaceful living community in Sabah and has hurted the Sabah’s economy.

Mazu statue is facing the sea. This photo taken on top of the base of Mazu statue.

Behind us is the base of the Mazu statue which is almost at completion.

We are standing outside the Hock Teck Temple. The building behind the tree is a mosque.

This is the mosque which is about 50 meter away from the Hock Teck Temple. The co-existence of both the mosque and Buddhist temple in Kudat town center has never been an issue. It is UMNO politician that made it an issue.

Hock Teck Temple front look. The temple is built by Hokkien Association. It is opposite the mosque.



BARU-BARU ini saya berpeluang melawat tapak Patung Mazu di Kudat yang menjadi kontroversi selama ini kerana kejahilan pemimpin Sabah, terutama Ketua Menteri Sabah tentang agama Islam sekalipun menantunya, Datuk Haji Ariffin Ariff lulusan Universiti Al-Azhar.

Alangkah malunya saya sebagai seorang Islam apabila melihat komponen patung Mazu dijemur di atas tanah seperti nelayan menjemur ikan masin semata-mata kerana Musa Aman tidak membenarkan ianya dipasang dan terus menghina Tuhan penganut Mazu dengan mengulangi tawaran ‘Firaun’ agar lokasinya dipindahkan ke tempat yang lebih jauh daripada Masjid Assyikirin.

Saya malu kerana melihat Tuhan orang lain dihina Musa Aman yang bertuhankan ‘Wang’ tetapi mengaku beragama Islam sehingga memaksa Mufti Negeri Sabah mengeluarkan fatwa kepada penganut agama lain; tidak ubah seperti mengharamkan Kaum Tiong Hua makan khinzir.

Jika di Kelantan yang digelar ‘Serambi Mekah’ mempunyai Patung Buddha yang terbesar, kenapa Musa Aman mengamalkan hukum rimba seperti yang diamalkan arwah bapanya di ‘Pushtun’ yang berserban besar kerana otaknya kecil dengan melarang Patung Mazu didirikan di tapak yang asal?

Tidak pasti apa yang ada dalam kepala Musa Aman yang sudah merasakan dirinya kebal kerana menanti masa untuk menjadi TYT dan diberi gelaran Tun sebagai syarat untuk berundur; melainkan melakukan kekejaman kepada penganut agama lain sehingga mereka memandang serong ajaran dan fahaman agama Musa Pushtun yang mengaku beragama Islam sekalipun berperangai lebih dasyhat daripada Yahudi dan Komunis.

Majoriti pemimpin Islam di Kudat tidak pernah membantah melainkan Haji Harun yang dijanjikan jawatan Ketua Daerah yang menjadi dalang mencipta plot palsu bantahan umat Islam tetapi berperangai lebih ganas daripada Musa Aman kerana mempunyai Skandal dengan isteri orang.

Saya juga berkesempatan melawat Pantai Bak Bak yang diluluskan sebagai Tapak Mazu yang akan dibina oleh Kumpulan Sari Tan dan ‘penjilat pant*t’ Musa Aman, Datuk Albert Lim sebagai mempersendakan Tuhan penganut Mazu kerana mengadap Laut Sulu dan bukannya Mazu yang dibina Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat yang membelakangi laut Sulu sebaliknya menghadap Laut China Selatan.

Sehubungan itu, sukacita saya menamakan Patung yang akan didirikan Chong Kah Kiat sebagai ‘Mazu’, manakala Patung yang akan didirikan kroni Musa Aman sebagai ‘Ma Sulu’ kerana menghadap Laut Sulu!  (FREESABAHKINI).


This site were offer to other party to erect second Mazu, at Pantai Bak-Bak, Kudat far away from Kudat Town. State government allocated two acres of land for that purpose.


ALL pictures publish below are originally taken at Mazu side at Kudat without any modification. How dare Sabah Government 'bury' the Federal Constitution in the chest of Chinese Mazu Devotee? Do i need to put a caption if Chinese proverb says,  "One Picture is worth ten thousand words."


Saudara Pengarang,

DARI sudut hati saya yang penuh keinsafan dan dari akal saya yang masih waras, saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf sekiranya terguran terbuka saya terhadap Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman menyebabkan ada pihak yang suka mengampu beliau tidak senang hati dan melemparkan tuduhan liar terhadap saya.
Setelah hampir setahun kepingan Patung Mazu bertebaran di tanah, tidak ubah seperti nelayan menjemur ikan masin, tibalah masanya Datuk Musa bertaubat dan memohon ampun daripada seluruh penganut Mazu agar tidak dihukum oleh pengundi pada pilihanraya umum akan datang, sekalipun masih bermegah dengan kemenangan Batu Sapi yang tidak seberapa.
Sebagai Ketua Cawangan UMNO, saya terpaksa membuat teguran, atas nasihat dan restu Perdana Menteri yang meminta semua Ketua Cawangan UMNO menegur pemimpin yang tergelincir daripada landasan dan lupa amanah ahli; apatah lagi bersikap munafik, menghina penganut agama lain dan berperangai seperti Namrud di zaman Arab Jahiliah.
Saya bimbang, senyapnya masyarakat Cina bukan kerana mereka takut kepada kuasa eksekutif Ketua Menteri Sabah, bukan juga kerana simpati kepada Mantan Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat atau kerana mulut mereka disumbat dengan projek; namun merupakan dendam kesumat yang sedang menyala dan bakal memuntahkan laharnya pada pilihanraya umum akan datang; lebih hebat daripada letusan Gunung Merapi.
Gelincirnya sokongan kaum Cina akan menggelincirkan BN daripada tampuk kuasa di Sabah dan ramalan Blogger Raja Petra bahawa ‘Parlimen Digantung’ adalah kenyataan yang terpaksa dihadapi sekiranya Musa Aman mengekalkan kedegilan dan kezuhudannya terhadap isu agama ini; sekaligus menyimpang daripada lunas Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Sewajarnya, perlantikan Datuk Juhar Mahiruddin sebagai TYT yang baru memberikan harapan baru untuk menyelesaikan isu Mazu yang merupakan kezaliman yang ketara Kerajaan BN terhadap penganut Mazu semata-mata kerana sengketa peribadi antara Musa Aman dengan Chong Kah Kiat.
Sebagai Ketua Agama di Sabah, TYT sewajarnya menasihati Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan agar tidak mencampuri urusan agama lain bagi memastikan semua amalan agama di Sabah dilaksanakan secara harmoni dan muhibbah.
Yakinlah bahawa ‘Hukum Karma’ tetap berjalan. Sehebat-hebat Firaun, mati oleh seekor nyamuk dan saya amat kesal jika pemimpin Sabah yang menghina agama orang lain ditimpakan nista dan aib yang memalukan; apatah lagi nista paling ketara ialah Sabah yang kaya raya menjadi papa kedana dan rakyatnya termiskin di Malaysia.
Sebelum semua rakyat Sabah mendapat bala, saya menyarankan agar semua yang ‘berdosa’ kerana menghalang pembinaan Patung Dewi Laut Mazu agar bertaubat dan kembali kepada agama Islam yang Syumul dan mengembangkan syiar Islam secara harafiah, holistik dan bersumberkan ilmu akliah yang berlandaskan Al-Quran dan Sunnah.
Saya turut mengambil kesempatan agar Mufti Negeri Sabah meletakkan jawatan jika tidak berani berkata benar sehingga sanggup mengeluarkan fatwa kepada ‘bukan Islam’ terutama berkaitan Patung Mazu.
Kepada Penganut Mazu di seluruh dunia, saya memohon maaf di atas penindasan yang dilakukan kerajaan BN dan berharap agar tidak membalas layanan buruk berkenaan dengan memberikan undi kepada pembangkang kerana masih ada ruang untuk memperbaiki kesilapan pemimpin BN yang lupa diri dan bongkak.
Saya yakin, jika izu Mazu ini diselesaikan dengan baik, ‘Win-Win Situation’, InshaAllah ekonomi Sabah akan pulih kerana lebih 20 juta Penganut Mazu akan melawat Kudat dan melimpahkan rezeki kepada rakyat melalui kegiatan pelancongan; sekaligus membasmi kemiskinan yang mencengkam Sabah selama ini ketika pemimpinnya kaya raya.
Salam 1Malaysia,
Ketua Cawangan UMNO Tampi-Tampi Darat Semporna.
(NOTA: Surat terbuka ini adalah pandangan dan sorotan sanubari Azizul yang cintakan keamanan dan mencambah keharmonian kaum dan kesucian agama di Sabah; tidak ada kena mengena dengan pandangan Menurut Azizul surat asal telah dikirim kepada Ketua Menteri Sabah dan disalinkan kepada Perdana Menteri dan TYT Sabah.)

Thousands of building to fall with Mazu?

By Charlie Rudai

KUDAT: Thousands of buildings in Sabah may have to be demolished. According to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), this is one of the implications of the judiciary’s silence on whether the Mazu statue in Kudat is an illegal structure.
The statue was at the centre of a court battle that ended last week when the Federal Court effectively turned down a request by its promoters to appeal against the state government's decision to stop the construction.

Mazu is a Chinese goddess of the sea whom fishermen and sailors worship as their patron. Her statue in Kudat was the idea of former chief minister Chong Kah Kiat. Construction began in early 2006 with the Kudat Town Board’s approval, but the state government ordered a halt in October that year following a fatwa by the Sabah Mufti.

In December 2008, Chong, as chairman of the Kudat Thean Hou Charitable Foundation, sought a court declaration that the town board’s approval was valid and that the fatwa violated Article 11 of the Federal Constitution. He sued Chief Minister Musa Aman and three others, including the Kudat Town Board, which withdrew its approval in November 2007.

The defendants sought to strike out the suit, but the Kota Kinabalu High Court dismissed the action in April last year. They appealed and won their case on Aug 5. The Court of Appeal ruled that Chong did not have the legal standing to initiate his suits.

Chong then filed for leave to appeal to the Federal Court, which resulted in last week’s decision. The Federal Court did not give a reason for rejecting the appeal.

Unanswered questions

LDP’s Tanjung Kapor chief, Teo Chee Kang, said the courts had thus left the merit of the case undecided.

Speaking at the LDP Tanjung Kapor annual general conference here on Sunday, he said: “While the court’s decision should be respected, it has left many questions unanswered.”

He noted that during the hearing of the case, the government invoked “a whole new ground” for disallowing the statue: that the plan for its erection did not obtain the prior approval of the Central Town and Country Planning Board.

He said this raised the question of the legality of other structures approved by local authorities but not the board.

“It is common knowledge that before April 2008, save those which involved re-zoning, development plans did not have to go through the Central Board,” he said.

“What about the hundreds or perhaps thousands of buildings and structures that are found all over Sabah?”
Included among these “hundreds or thousands” are the 1Borneo building, the Suria Building and the Waterfront Project.

“Are they illegal structures? Should they be demolished? In the interest of the public at large, someone must answer these questions,” Teo said.

Chong a hero for fighting for Mazu statue, says LDP chief


By Michael Kaung, Free MalaysiaToday
KOTA KINABALU: Barisan Nasional component party leader VK Liew (pic) is upset with the state government over how it toppled what would have been the world's tallest Mazu statue sited in Kudat on the East Coast of Sabah.
“Like it or not, what happened in Kudat has gone down in history and history will judge the conscience, the good deed and sincerity of Chong Kah Kiat,” said the Liberal Democratic party chief.
"Now that the Federal Court has ruled against the legality of the Thean Hou Foundation that may have affected the continuation of the construction of the Mazu, it is not an end of a journey," added Liew, who is also a deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department.
He was commenting on Monday's unanimous decision by a five-man Federal Court bench to dismiss a leave application by the Kudat Thean Hou Charitable Foundation chairman Chong to appeal against the Court of Appeal's decision that the state government used to stop the project.
The Mazu (Goddess of the Sea) statue project was abruptly cancelled by the state government led by Chief Minister Musa Aman after it had been granted approval by the state authorities earlier.
The cancellation of the project led to a bitter Chong resigning from the state cabinet and filing a suit against the state government which dragged on through the courts until last week.
Liew, who took over from Chong after he stepped down as LDP chief, was quick to laud his former boss as a hero.
“History will judge our actions, our deeds and our sincerity,” he said, quoting a famous Malay proverb "Gajah mati meninggalkan gading, (Elephant dies by leaving its tusk) Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, (Tiger dies by leaving its skin) Manusia mati meninggalkan nama.” (Man dies by leaving his name) to emphasise his disappointment.
"At the same time, history will gauge and judge those who have oppressed him (Chong) in his cause and struggle,” he said when asked to comment on the recent court ruling that brought an end to the former Sabah chief minister's bid to erect the statue in his hometown.
“We must not be confused with the offer to relocate and the construction of another Statute of Mazu by another association as there are two different sets of circumstances confronting the matter,” he pointed out when asked about the offer by the state government to relocate the statue to another site.
Political will needed
Liew, who is also the MP for Sandakan, said that the best solution to the issue lies in the political will of those who can make a difference to the deadlocked issue.